Monday, May 26, 2008

Growing up is hard to do!

Gabe is at a fun age. I enjoy watching him as he struggles to be more grown-up. He likes to use the proper words, the "grown-up" words for things. So this morning, I refrained from laughing when he informed me that Moses had stepped on his "crutches" with his full weight. Judging by the portion of his anatomy that he was clutching, and the fact that he doesn't currently own any crutches, I can only assume he meant "crotch". I feel that by correcting him with a straight face, I have done my parently duty for the day.


The Almighty Betherson "Ninja" said...

haha i snorted when i laughed at your parently duty...

Lista said...

If a Betherson snorts in the wilderness, will a cat still give her a condescending look?

Christina said...

I am most puzzled by the fact that he has multiple "crutches".

The Almighty Betherson "Ninja" said...

i'll have you know i got four condescending looks! (and yes, this house is a wilderness right now!)