Friday, June 6, 2008

Where did the time go?

For some reason, I always look forward to summer, thinking to myself, "Self, when summer is here, you won't have to run around like a crazy person and everything will be nice and relaxed!". What I forget to remember about summer is that during the summer, my children are with me all the time. They seem to think I should entertain them or something. So I do. School has now been out for a full week, and here's what's been going on.

1. We went to Big Splash and got our season pass pictures taken. Then we went inside and got in the water. A good time was had by all.

2. Timothy started "summer camp" and is going to his preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next few weeks. He seems to be enjoying it, but he did inform me several times after the first day that "Snakes make him vewwy sad". This is perplexing, because to the best of my knowledge, there are no snakes in the preschool. It's not like the time they brought in that cute, fuzzy bunny and it was scary. I have very strange children.

3. We've now been to three outdoor concerts at Utica Square. A good time was had by all. Pictures to follow (when I remember to dump the camera card).

4. There have been several really bad storms, and we lost a tree on Sunday when the wind blew it over. We lost a good portion of another one last night, and it's going to have to come down, too. The back yard is going to be very bare. Pictures to follow. See above parenthetical statement about camera card.

5. Amy's wedding is tomorrow, and I've been a little busy with that. It's going to be lovely, and I need to publicly thank her for choosing such a gorgeous dress and shoes for me to wear. Pictures to follow, as soon as the wedding happens so we can take some!

6. I continue to drive to Wichita once a week for work. It's exhausting and expensive, but I'm learning a LOT. One of these days, I'm going to make a pretty decent Pilates equipment instructor. Pictures will NOT follow, as I won't allow anyone to take any of me in work-out clothes.

7. Timothy is still not potty trained. 'Nuff said.

8. Gabe continues to have vocabulary foibles. The other day, he told me he was having trouble with his tibia. It turned out to be his cuticle. Leg bone, nail bed, what's the difference? At least it wasn't his crutches this time.

So there you have it. All the news that is news across the house. I really will get some pictures up soon. Don't expect it to happen until after Amy's wedding, though. I'm not THAT productive.

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