Gabe is at a fun age. I enjoy watching him as he struggles to be more grown-up. He likes to use the proper words, the "grown-up" words for things. So this morning, I refrained from laughing when he informed me that Moses had stepped on his "crutches" with his full weight. Judging by the portion of his anatomy that he was clutching, and the fact that he doesn't currently own any crutches, I can only assume he meant "crotch". I feel that by correcting him with a straight face, I have done my parently duty for the day.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
I give up!
After weeks of potty training, I'm ready to concede. Timothy wins. Just now, he called me to show that he had used the potty. What I found were several Capri Sun straws, a plastic coin and my toothbrush, all bobbing merrily in the potty. For all I care, he can go to his high school graduation in diapers. There, I've said it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Taking time to smell the roses
When the roses bloom at the Tulsa Rose Gardens, I could happily live there. Sleeping under the stars, smelling the roses, bunnies and squirrels all around...on second thought, I could happily live there but for the squirrels. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a squirrel now and then. But Woodward Park, which surrounds the roses, has a population that is a little extreme. At times, you can be sitting and enjoying nature, and suddenly notice that there are thirty-seven squirrels around you, they have you surrounded, and they're staring. Eryn, I'm sorry. I probably should have included a disclaimer earlier that there would be creepy squirrels in this post. Anyway, the roses are heavenly. I couldn't stop taking pictures of them.
Gabe saves the day
This is a story that I'm not entirely sure I should tell, as it proves once and for all that my two remaining brain cells are in danger of colliding and causing an atomic reaction wherein my head will implode. However, I feel that Gabe doesn't get enough blog time, so here I go, telling it in spite of my better judgment.
Yesterday, when I picked Gabe up from school, he noticed immediately that I was wearing my seatbelt incorrectly. I had the shoulder harness tucked behind my shoulder, like I'm forever telling him not to do. Any male readers (do I HAVE any male readers?) will not be able to relate to this problem, but it goes something like this: you wear a sports bra, which causes a phenomenon I like to call "unaboob", and the seatbelt won't stay in the middle of your chest. Since I am a Pilates instructor, I spend a lot of time driving around with my seatbelt slowly attempting to decapitate me, sawing away at my neck. The last week or so, it has been particularly bad, and it was driving me crazy yesterday to the point that I tucked it behind me when I pulled off the busy street into the neighborhood. I explained to Gabe the general theory of this (minus the unaboob section of the theory) and was met with "Mama, I know why your seatbelt is cutting into your neck!" Everyone will have to forgive me for this next part, because unless you've lived with Gabe, you can't possibly know how often he knows absolutely everything, and can solve any problem. I responded sarcastically. "Is that so?" I said. "Go ahead and tell me why my seat belt is cutting into my neck!" At this point, Gabe collapsed into helpless giggles as he blurted out, "Because it isn't in that little plastic loop that's supposed to hold it!" And so it wasn't. I felt like a genius. There's a very real chance he's going to start charging me a consulting fee in the near future.
Yesterday, when I picked Gabe up from school, he noticed immediately that I was wearing my seatbelt incorrectly. I had the shoulder harness tucked behind my shoulder, like I'm forever telling him not to do. Any male readers (do I HAVE any male readers?) will not be able to relate to this problem, but it goes something like this: you wear a sports bra, which causes a phenomenon I like to call "unaboob", and the seatbelt won't stay in the middle of your chest. Since I am a Pilates instructor, I spend a lot of time driving around with my seatbelt slowly attempting to decapitate me, sawing away at my neck. The last week or so, it has been particularly bad, and it was driving me crazy yesterday to the point that I tucked it behind me when I pulled off the busy street into the neighborhood. I explained to Gabe the general theory of this (minus the unaboob section of the theory) and was met with "Mama, I know why your seatbelt is cutting into your neck!" Everyone will have to forgive me for this next part, because unless you've lived with Gabe, you can't possibly know how often he knows absolutely everything, and can solve any problem. I responded sarcastically. "Is that so?" I said. "Go ahead and tell me why my seat belt is cutting into my neck!" At this point, Gabe collapsed into helpless giggles as he blurted out, "Because it isn't in that little plastic loop that's supposed to hold it!" And so it wasn't. I felt like a genius. There's a very real chance he's going to start charging me a consulting fee in the near future.
You know those really, really soft "minkie" blankets that all of us with kids seem to have several of? Did you ever notice that when you wash a whole load of them together, when they are dry, it's impossible to keep a grip on all of them as you carry them out of the laundry room? No matter how hard you try, they slither out of your grasp and fall on the floor. Then you trip over them and fall flat on your face, and the entire house shakes when you land. No? Just me? Well, then, I'll be under that rock over there, if you need me for anything.
Play date at Brooke's house
Why Timothy eats in his birthday suit
I realize that eventually we'll need to break him of this habit and teach him to get more of the food into his mouth, and less everywhere else. It could be awkward later in life. Most girls don't go on a second date with a man who strips to his underpants prior to dinner. Nevertheless, for now it saves me extra laundry. It would save me even more if I'd just let the dog in to lick him off afterwards, instead of using a washcloth to clean him. I haven't stooped that low. Yet.
Are you sitting down?
...Because this announcement is BIG. And shocking. Today...I fixed something! I fixed the washer, to be exact! I admit, when I say "fixed", I mean that Chris walked me through checking the circuit box over the phone, and I figured out that the fuse had tripped the circuit breaker, or whatever it is that happens, and I flipped the switch back, thus "fixing" the washer and garage door opener. Truthfully, I couldn't care less about the garage door opener, but laundry was piling up, and desperation is the mother of invention. Or the mother of nervous break downs.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hair, there, and everywhere!
I know I'm LOOOOONNNNNG past due on answering the question of what I'm going to do with my hair. The answer is that I got some of it cut off a couple of weeks ago. Spur of the moment, huh? I wanted to take before and after pictures, but I didn't get the chance. Next month, after Amy's wedding is over, there will be a major chop. Right now, nobody can tell I got it cut, even though it was at least a five inch chop. Sometime after June 7th, I'm going to do something drastic. Not a mohawk, though. That would be too drastic, as well as too much work in the morning. I don't have time to iron my clothes, much less my hair! So, thanks for taking the survey, and I'm sorry to be so anti-anticlimactic about the whole thing!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm not a mother, I'm a referee!
Why didn't anyone tell me that as a mother of boys, I would spend most of my time as a referee? Also, while we're asking the important questions, can anyone tell me if there's a school for become a better referee? Because at this point, I make a lot of bad calls. For instance, today I've spent the better part of the afternoon breaking up wrestling matches. So just now, when I was trying to shove the boys into the shower (about like trying to bathe a cat, only more dangerous!), I happened to realize that Timothy's hair was sopping wet. The water in the shower had not yet been started, so I found this to be perplexing. "Timothy," I asked, "why is your hair wet?"
"Because it was in the potty gettin' a swirly!" was his innocent answer.
"GAAAAAAAABBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I bellowed, "What is the meaning of this? Why would you do that? What made you think giving your brother a swirly was a good idea???"
Gabe looked up from his disrobing, and calmly said, "Mama, I didn't give him a swirly, he gave himself a swirly. And he had just used the potty and didn't flush!"
See, bad call. And disgusting (but unfortunately true) story. I hope to complete my referee training by the time my sons are grown, and graduate to the UFC. I'm sure they will appreciate my skills at calling fights and kissing owies.
"Because it was in the potty gettin' a swirly!" was his innocent answer.
"GAAAAAAAABBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I bellowed, "What is the meaning of this? Why would you do that? What made you think giving your brother a swirly was a good idea???"
Gabe looked up from his disrobing, and calmly said, "Mama, I didn't give him a swirly, he gave himself a swirly. And he had just used the potty and didn't flush!"
See, bad call. And disgusting (but unfortunately true) story. I hope to complete my referee training by the time my sons are grown, and graduate to the UFC. I'm sure they will appreciate my skills at calling fights and kissing owies.
It has recently been brought to my attention that my children may be a bit...eccentric. They deviate from the standard in so many ways, it's hard to keep track. I was an eccentric child, so this doesn't seem at all strange to me, but I can imagine how it looks from anywhere outside of the family. As Dad recently put it, "Eccentricity doesn't run in our family, it positively gallops!"
This morning on the way to school, I found myself explaining complex economic theory to Gabe. Is this a normal interest for an 8-year-old boy? I'm pretty sure it isn't, but who am I to judge? I kept waiting for his eyes to glaze over so I could stop, but they never did, and I eventually got in over my head. When this happens, I give my standard answer, "I don't know, but I'm sure Daddy does! You should ask him when he gets home!"
Then there's Timothy. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to Timothy. Lately, he has set all requests to song, and they are accompanied by an interpretive dance. As in, "Caaaaan I have some Lu-uh-uh-uh-unch?" over and over again, with strange gyrations. He knows every song on the radio, beginning to end. And the other night in martial arts, when Guru Eric was standing over a couple of kids cuing, "Shake! Shake! Shake!", Timothy felt the need to add, "Senora, shake your body lion!" at the tops of his lungs. I have my ring tone and Harry Belafonte to blame for that one.
We are in the midst of potty training with Timothy. He's gotten down the whole pooping in the potty thing pretty well. The rest, not so much. Being the lazy parent I am, I'm happy to leave it at that. Let's face it, you have to choose your battles. I feel that I have enough battles already. Plus, he's in pull-ups, so he can, for the most part, change his own diaper now. See, told you I'm lazy! Anyway, today he was sitting in the kitchen, playing with his letter magnets while I fixed lunch. Suddenly, he jumped up off the floor and shouted, "Oh, NOOOOO! It's raining in my pants!" I admit, I laughed. Wouldn't you?
This morning on the way to school, I found myself explaining complex economic theory to Gabe. Is this a normal interest for an 8-year-old boy? I'm pretty sure it isn't, but who am I to judge? I kept waiting for his eyes to glaze over so I could stop, but they never did, and I eventually got in over my head. When this happens, I give my standard answer, "I don't know, but I'm sure Daddy does! You should ask him when he gets home!"
Then there's Timothy. I don't even know where to begin when it comes to Timothy. Lately, he has set all requests to song, and they are accompanied by an interpretive dance. As in, "Caaaaan I have some Lu-uh-uh-uh-unch?" over and over again, with strange gyrations. He knows every song on the radio, beginning to end. And the other night in martial arts, when Guru Eric was standing over a couple of kids cuing, "Shake! Shake! Shake!", Timothy felt the need to add, "Senora, shake your body lion!" at the tops of his lungs. I have my ring tone and Harry Belafonte to blame for that one.
We are in the midst of potty training with Timothy. He's gotten down the whole pooping in the potty thing pretty well. The rest, not so much. Being the lazy parent I am, I'm happy to leave it at that. Let's face it, you have to choose your battles. I feel that I have enough battles already. Plus, he's in pull-ups, so he can, for the most part, change his own diaper now. See, told you I'm lazy! Anyway, today he was sitting in the kitchen, playing with his letter magnets while I fixed lunch. Suddenly, he jumped up off the floor and shouted, "Oh, NOOOOO! It's raining in my pants!" I admit, I laughed. Wouldn't you?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!
I am speaking of spring, of course! Have I mentioned that I love spring? It's as if the world were trying to apologize for all the mean things it did to us during the winter. Believe me, after last winter's ice storm, it owes us one! First: Wild roses. I planted these seven years ago. I've tried for the past six years to get rid of them. They're the spiniest, spikiest things you've ever seen in your life. But they are lovely when the bloom! They grow all over the place in Oklahoma, and supposedly, they were brought in by the early settlers' wives. The rose that is strong enough to survive a covered wagon ride across country isn't going to be discouraged by a little thing like being dug up by me each and every year!
Mother's Day
This Mother's Day was a wonderful. My own wonderful mother left to visit her wonderful mother, so we didn't have any real plans for the day. Or so I thought. Chris brought me breakfast in bed. AND he wouldn't let me do any chores. None whatsoever! He even cleaned out the litter boxes, no mean feat when you have as many cats as we do! It was a lovely day, and the next thing I knew, Chris was packing up the truck for a trip to the park! This isn't the park, it's our front yard. We were getting ready to leave and I decided I needed a picture of the peonies in bloom. Aren't they lovely?
Gabe's zoo field trip
Yes, it's that time again. I have once again fulfilled my civic duty. No, I didn't vote. I chaperoned Gabe's field trip, for the third year in a row. I am happy to report that everyone survived the experience. It's getting easier each year. By fifth or sixth grade, I expect I won't break out in hives when the note announcing that chaperons are needed arrives. On second thought, by then new problems are sure to have arisen. Like puberty. Help!!! Anyway, a good time was had by all. The kids were supposed to be filling in a map of the zoo, and locating various buildings and exhibits. Here we see Elisha, Aidan, Gabe and Jordan hard at work.
Here we are, preparing to go into the rainforest. I LOVE the rainforest. Animals get to roam free in there. Besides, there are three-toed sloths. And a zoo keeper who lets me pet three-toed sloths. Shhh! Don't tell!
I have a picture of my group from kindergarten in front of this penguin. I should find it to compare. Nah, I'm too lazy.
Zoe asked us to join her group at the elephant house. Zoe is the little darling in the baseball cap, sporting the huge black eye. Zoe and Gabe have simultaneous crushes on one another, best I can tell. My son has excellent taste in girls. I love Zoe! Is it too soon to hope that this crush lasts through middle school, high school and college? Perhaps a little, but that won't stop me!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Amy's Bridal Tea
Amy is getting married next month, and I am her matron of honor! As such, it was my honor to host a bridal tea for her last weekend. I use the term "host" loosely, since it was actually held at my mom's house. Had it been held at my house, every picture would show seventeen people crammed in like sardines, and me with glowing red eyes and white hair that stands on end. Here is a picture of Amy and me in our hats and tea party dresses.
So many of the others that share my house have no dignity. None, whatsoever. For instance, Moses doesn't seem to mind at all when Timothy makes him wear sunglasses. Cats should have more dignity than that.
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