Friday, September 12, 2008


It's upon us again! Gabe and Chris are very involved in Cub Scouts through our church, and our annual fund raiser started on Monday. So, I feel a little bad about the plug, but not that bad because it is, after all, MY blog! So, if you're interested in's what we have!

5-way Chocolate Lover's Tin $50
Chocolate, Caramel and Cheese Tin $40
3-way Cheese Tin $30
Trail Mix Tin $20
Microwave Kettle Corn (15-pack) $20
Gourmet Caramel Corn Tin with Almonds, Pecans and Cashews $17
Chocolatey Caramel Crunch Tin $17
Caramel Corn Light Tin $17
Unbelievable Butter Microwave Popcorn (15-pack) $15
Butter Light Microwave Popcorn (15-pack) $15
Caramel Corn Tin with Peanuts $10

We are aiming to sell $2,000 this year, so that we can get Gabe a scholarship fund set up. Once the fund is set, a percentage of each year's sales will go in the fund, and it will accrue interest. Families in our pack have told us their older sons have ended up with a few thousand dollars for college. Gabe mainly wants to make his goal so he can win a Nintendo DS. So, if you're interested, you can leave a comment or e-mail me. Shipping can be arranged if you're out of town, and payment is due when the popcorn arrive, which I think is some time in late October or early November. Thanks for putting up with my shameless plug!


Andrea said...

2 tins of the the chocolate please. I know my order is smaller this year but I still have butter light left over from last year.

The Almighty Betherson "Ninja" said...

okie, i'll take the carmel corn tin with the pecans, etc in it. yum. oh, and i don't even care if i get it around christmas this year... ;)
maybe i can make it up there to pick it up myself!!!

MamaT said...

Hey! I started my blog again. Check it out!

Andrea said...

Hey if Gaber gets close to his goal (which I hear he is. Love that drive) I can order a few more things to put him over the top.

Lista said...

Thanks for the orders, guys! Dre, I'll let you know if we're short. We still have a couple of weeks left to sell. Getting to $2500 to get him that scholarship is a daunting task, but we're more than halfway there!

Anonymous said...

Granny Carol wants to order the light microwave popcorn. Hope it's not too late.