Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Doing our civic duty...

Yesterday was the Tulsa mayoral election. Our polling place is very close to the house, and is usually pretty slow in the mid-afternoon, so I typically go after I pick Gabe up from school and take both kids with me. Gabe is getting older and is more interested in how the government runs, so he wanted to know what we were voting for on the way inside. I told him we were voting for who would be mayor, but I failed to mention that there were a couple of other things on the ballot. He stood and read over my shoulder as I filled out my ballot for mayor, city counselor and several propositions.

Fast forward to this morning. Chris is off work for Veteran's Day and he generously offered to take Gabe to school. OK, that's a lie. When the alarm went off, I "accidentally" shoved him bodily from the bed and then mumbled, "Since you're already up, wanna take Gabe for me?" At any rate, on the way to school this morning, they were listening to the news report on the election. "Daddy," said Gabe, "What prepositions did you and Mama vote for anyway?" I feel that it would be best, when he gets home from school, if I explained to him that his father's answers of "About, For and With" might not be fully accurate.


emmms said...

Haha! ::wipes eyes:: That made me snort out loud.

Knit Witch said...

Hahaha!!! We went and voted for our mayor too and ::gasp:: we were actually able to elect a NEW MAYOR after the old crusty one has been serving for 25 friggin' years. He is a convicted cock fighter!!!! UGH! So, it has been my personal mission to get him removed from office. The person that beat him is even a WOMAN! Woo hooo!!! How progressive can one little town get??